Sorry About That
Sorry about my blog being down. Looks like someone actually read it... Oh yeah, and Google had absolutely nothing to do with my Blog being down. I took it down, on my own, so that I could shut down the inbound email comment stream. One of the many email messages I received was something from one of my financial advisors. He was making a joke about eWeek being so on top of the hot breaking news...
My inbox was full this morning, and your comments keep coming in... I'll figure out how to shut the inbound comment email stream so I can concentrate on my day job. You know writing, and delivering software.
Anyway, I think some are reading a bit too much into this message. I am in no way trying to trash Microsoft. All I was trying to point out is that, in my opinion, software delivery has changed. I know windows update makes things some things better, but you know, this article is not about delivering bug fixes...
Stay tuned though. I have some other things on my mind, what I would like to see in IE7 for instance.
My inbox was full this morning, and your comments keep coming in... I'll figure out how to shut the inbound comment email stream so I can concentrate on my day job. You know writing, and delivering software.
Anyway, I think some are reading a bit too much into this message. I am in no way trying to trash Microsoft. All I was trying to point out is that, in my opinion, software delivery has changed. I know windows update makes things some things better, but you know, this article is not about delivering bug fixes...
Stay tuned though. I have some other things on my mind, what I would like to see in IE7 for instance.
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